
Our products are inspired by real life problem statements and limitations of existing widely used products. The objective is to continuously bring touch-less solutions to redefine the approach of Assessment of Risk Assurance for 3 lines of defense in an organization

Pre-build Statistical & ML Models to trigger outliers on Big Data

Automated solution for Gross to Net | Timely detection of Revenue Leakages

Quantifying Enterprise Risk Management integrating end to end transactions | Recommending solutions to minimize risks


  • Real-time cloud-based technology to provide Data Security in a vigilant, and resilient manner.
  • Developed by Industry Veterans and Technology Experts.
  • Simple and efficient for us
  • Configurable Products
  • Seamless integration with multiple IT & ERP systems.
  • Support throughout the product lifecycle.
  • 24 x 7 customer service assistance.


A first of its kind concept that lets you discover counterintuitive patterns and insights often invisible due to limitations of the human mind, biases, and voluminous data.

Unleash the power of machine learning and advanced statistics to find outliers and exceptions in your data. This application provides an instant output that can be reviewed and acted upon with agility to stop revenue leakages, improve efficiency and detect/prevent fraud.


Many large companies face the issue of managing high volume Gross to Net transactions and revenue leakages whether in the form of excess Chargebacks, Rebates, Discounts, Patient Acceptance Coupons that usually go unnoticed & compliance with government Medicaid Program etc.

This is a tried and tested application that integrates excellently with existing platforms like Vistex, Modal N, CARS, I-Contract et al and on the basis of pre-defined rules gives user exceptions in each of the above areas. With this tool, the Wholesalers or Supplier Organizations can challenge excess deductions on a timely basis and plug potential revenue leakages.


A high-powered application, it collates the output of various integrated tools for a user to view the Enterprise Level Risk Landscape and drill down to functions to see overall & individual risk scores.

Find your entity’s risk score and mitigate it to prevent potential exposures or downsides. This application also gives auto-suggestions to mitigate and/or convert threats/weakness into opportunities & strength